Promotion and Tenure Committee (P and T)

Purpose and Responsibilities

  1. Receive from the academic divisions/schools recommendations for appointments, reappointments, promotion and tenure.
  2. Initiate such recommendations when circumstances warrant.
  3. Consider and evaluate such recommendations.
  4. Make recommendations to the President of the College concerning such action as the Committee deems appropriate.
  5. Make recommendations, in consultation with the Faculty Affairs Committee, to the Faculty Senate and/or to the full faculty concerning policy related to appointments, reappointments, promotion and tenure.


Five full professors/librarians. Nominees must hold the rank of Full Professor/Librarian by January 1st of the year in which the nomination is made.

Terms of Office (subject to term limits)

Each member to serve for a term of three consecutive years, no two members from the same division or school. Any faculty member serving on the Promotion and Tenure Committee must recuse themselves from committee deliberations and decisions concerning a faculty member from the same division or school. They should participate in the peer review at the division/school level.