Replacements for Committees
When changes occur and a vacancy arises on a committee during the academic year, the following steps are enacted to fill the vacancy and promote continuity in committee work.
- The Faculty Senate, Curriculum Committee, General Education Committee, and the Professional Standards Committee are comprised of Divisional/School representatives selected by the Division/School. Mid-year replacements will be made by contacting the Division/School Chair and requesting a replacement.
- The Strategic Planning and Budgeting Committee, the Committee on Committees, and the Promotion and Tenure Committee are committees for which nominations are sought and elections are held. If a vacancy arises, the election results for the most recent vote of the slate would be consulted and the person with the next highest number of votes for that committee would be asked to serve.
- For a short-term replacement (i.e., remainder of a single semester), the faculty member would be asked to serve on the committee needing a replacement alongside any other current committee assignment.
- For a longer term replacement (i.e., more than a single semester), the faculty member would be given the option to remain on any current committee assignment along with the replacement committee or to release a current committee assignment to serve on the replacement committee.
- In the event that there are no additional faculty members on the list from the most recent vote, or the faculty members invited are unable serve, then a new set of eligible nominations will be sought and another vote taken. Members who are ineligible will be noted in the instructions for the nominations.
- For the remaining committees, a request to fill a short-term vacancy will be sent to the faculty and a volunteer will be sought to serve on the replacement committee alongside any current committee assignment. In the event that there are no volunteers, the Committee on Committees will make requests of faculty who complement those already serving on the committee, keeping in mind that no more than 50% of a committee can be comprised of faculty from one Division/School.