Responsibilities of Committee Chairs

Responsibilities of faculty governance committee Chairs include, but are not limited to:

  • scheduling meetings
  • preparing and distributing meeting agendas
  • distributing minutes to all relevant parties
  • sending all proposals passed by the committee to Faculty Senate (or other appropriate committee) for consideration and approval
  • the Faculty Senate Chair is responsible for communicating all decisions passed by the senate to those units responsible for implementing such decisions
  • sending to the committee’s Senate liaison a report on each committee meeting
  • submitting an annual report of committee activities to Faculty Senate (following the established format) and sharing the report with all committee members
  • ensuring that all committee agendas, minutes, and the annual report are posted to the MSMC portal (This may be delegated to a committee secretary or other member.) NOTE: This requirement does not pertain to Academic Standards or Promotion and Tenure. Documents for these committees are sent to the VPAA’s office.

The Committee on Committees will provide a list of responsibilities for committee Chairs and committee members to all committee Chairs in June each year.

Matters for the initial committee meeting of the year:

The initial meeting should address, but is not limited to, the following matters:

  • review committee purpose and responsibilities as shown in Faculty Handbook, as well as any policies and procedures pertaining to the committee
  • assign roles as necessary to complete committee business (e.g., subcommittee Chairs, vice Chair, secretary)
  • decide how minutes will be recorded
  • determine meeting dates if not already set
  • review recommendations from Faculty Senate and make plan for completing them

Matters for the final committee meeting of the year:

Following annual elections to faculty committees, the outgoing Chair calls an organizational meeting. This is generally the final meeting of the year and is usually held in May or June. The final meeting of the year should address, but is not limited to, the following matters:

  • elect Chair for the coming year
  • review topics for inclusion in the committee’s annual report
  • schedule time and place of meetings in the coming year, if possible
  • confirm that committee agendas, minutes, and annual report will be posted to the portal