Faculty Meetings
Meetings of the faculty shall be called by the Chairperson of the Faculty Senate, President of the College, by a majority vote of the Faculty Senate, or by a petition to the Chairperson of the Faculty Senate. The Chairperson shall set and distribute the agenda for any faculty meeting prior to the meeting.
Meetings of the faculty are limited to a maximum of three (3) during any traditional academic semester, including overlapping accelerated sessions. Additional meetings beyond this maximum may be approved by a 2/3 majority of the faculty.
The Chairperson of the Faculty Senate shall appoint a parliamentarian. The parliamentarian shall advise the chair on all matters of procedure at the general faculty meeting according to the latest revision of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised.
In order to ensure that decisions made at meetings of the general faculty are communicated throughout the college, after each meeting of the general faculty, the Chairperson will notify the President, all Vice-Presidents, the academic Chairs and Deans, and all other relevant offices as agreed to by the VPAA and the Chairperson, of the motions passed.
The Chairperson will request an updated distribution list from the VPAA in August.