Authority and Voting in Faculty Meetings and Committees

As a means of assuming the responsibility to participate in the development of the College’s educational policies, only members of the faculty have the right and responsibility to attend and take part in general faculty meetings and to serve as the faculty representatives on various college committees. The privilege of voting on resolution motions and other actions of the teaching faculty is restricted to teaching faculty who are working under the titles of professor, associate professor, assistant professor, and instructor including faculty librarians, the Library Director, and those in phased retirement. Part-time faculty may attend and participate in faculty meetings, but may not vote or serve on college governance committees.

Faculty members on leave and in phased retirement are given the opportunity to attend faculty meetings and participate in voting, but are not required to do so. No provision is made for absentee balloting, and faculty members wishing to register their vote must do so in person.

Electronic balloting may be used in place of hand or voice votes to ensure that the entire faculty has a chance to participate.

Voting rights are not extended to faculty with emeritus status.  Faculty given a non-tenure-track appointment may serve and vote on college committees, General Faculty  meetings and task forces, with the exception of Curriculum Committee and Faculty Senate. By permission of the Chairperson of the Faculty Senate, or by approval of a majority of the general faculty, persons who are not members of the general faculty may attend its meetings.