Mount Assessment Committee


The purpose of this College committee is to oversee and serve as a coordinating body for assessment at Mount Saint Mary College.


  1. Reviewing annual report summaries of assessment data.
  2. Identifying student learning themes in assessment.
  3. Publishing an annual state of assessment report.
  4. Making recommendations to Admin Council regarding assessment.
  5. Disseminating information about assessment to their constituent groups on campus.
  6. Conducting an assessment audit every three to five years.
  7. Coordinating non-academic program review process.


Three faculty members

Two staff representatives

Assistant Vice President of Institutional Research and Chief Data Officer, ex officio

VP for Academic Affairs, ex officio

VP for Finance and Administration, ex officio

Assessment Coordinator, ex officio

Terms of Office (subject to term limits)


Three 3-year memberships (staggered)



One 3-year membership (staggered)

One 2-year membership

Meeting Schedule

Four times per year