General Education Committee


The General Education committee is engaged in a continuous review of a well-defined, College-wide core curriculum.


  1. Ensuring that the College Core aligns with the General Education Mission and Outcomes;
  2. Identifying areas in the Core where alignment with the Mission and Outcomes can be strengthened;
  3. Fostering the development of new courses, collaborations and co-curricular activities that advance the Mission and Outcomes of the program;
  4. Revising the Core Curriculum, as needed to better align with the Mission and Objectives of the program;
  5. Ensuring that any curricular changes go through the approval process mandated by Faculty governance (Divisions, Curriculum Committee, Faculty Senate, etc.);
  6. Implementing approved revisions to the Core;
  7. Leading in Faculty Development around issues related to general education;
  8. Promoting the value of the Core Curriculum to the College community.


 The School of Business, School of Nursing, and the library elect one representative each.  Each division within the School of Arts, Sciences, and Education elects one representative each.

Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs, ex officio

Student representative

FYE Coordinator


A three-year staggered rotation is proposed for all members except the student representative (who would likely serve a one-year appointment) and the AVPAA (who will serve ex-officio).