Calendar Committee

During even-numbered academic years, a Calendar Committee will be created with the task of devising the calendars for two academic years, starting with the next even-numbered academic year (for example, in 2024-2025, the Committee creates academic calendars for 2026-2027 & 2027-2028).


The membership is as follows:

1 from the Registrar (selected by the Registrar)

1 from Academic Affairs (selected by the VPAA)

1 from Student Affairs (selected by the VP of Students)

2 Faculty (nominated and selected by the faculty)


The Calendar Committee will be formed by the Registrar and the At-Large member of Senate.  The committee will provide calendar drafts to the academic units for feedback prior to a vote in Senate.  The vote must be no later than the May Senate meeting.


Responsibilities of the Calendar Committee:

For the corresponding academic years:

1.  Determine the dates of instruction for Fall, Winter Interim, Spring, Summer, and Accelerated terms, including breaks.  Ensure at least 750 minutes of instruction are provided for each course credit.

2.  Identify relevant holidays during above terms and indicate these holidays on the calendar and if instruction will occur on these days.

3.  Identify the following dates on the calendar:

  a.  Opening and closing of residence halls

b.  Dates for add/drop with 100% refund, 60%, 30%, and no refund dates

  c.  Last day to withdraw without academic penalty

  d.  AW and midterm grades due

  e.  Intent to graduate forms due

  f.  Final exam dates

  g.  Final grades due