Academic Program Director/Academic Coordinator Positions
Director/Coordinator positions that involve academics and are held by faculty members will be assigned for terms of 1-3 years. This is to ensure that fresh ideas are brought forward and that others get the opportunity for leadership. Additional positions may be added, as needed and as appropriate. Proposals for new positions must be submitted to the Vice President for Academic Affairs for approval and must include a rationale, full description of responsibilities, and other supporting information.
Three months prior to an anticipated vacancy, an announcement will be sent from the Office of Academic Affairs to faculty in order to solicit applications for that position. An incumbent may retain a position, but will have to submit another application. In the last two months of their term, the incumbent is responsible for helping the new director transition to the position if the incumbent is not re-appointed.
The VPAA will review applications and will select the Director/Coordinator, as well as the length of their term (1-3 years). The position will then be included in the faculty contract for those individuals with appropriate course releases or stipends, as determined by the VPAA. The VPAA must consult Division Chairs/Deans/Library Director for any faculty members being considered for such positions. No faculty member may serve in more than one Director/Coordinator position, or in any other administrative role (e.g., Division or Department Chair), for which a course release is provided without express permission of the VPAA; and faculty members may not teach more than one overload per semester while serving in a position that carries with it a corresponding teaching load reduction without VPAA approval. Directors/Coordinators are limited to six (6) years in the position unless there is no qualified candidate to take over the position or other circumstances support the reappointment of the director/coordinator, as determined by the VPAA upon appointment or re-appointment.
Available Director/Coordinator positions within Academic Affairs:
- Faculty Athletics Representative (FAR)
- First Year Writing Coordinator (FYWC)
- Knight High School Program Coordinator
- Director of the Honors Program (DHP)
- Hudson Link for Higher Education in Prison (HLPI) Academic Director
- Faculty Coordinator for Study Abroad
- Knight Summer Bridge Connections (KSC) Co-Coordinators
- SURE (Summer Undergraduate Research Experience) Coordinator
Application Process:
To apply for an academic Director/Coordinator position, faculty must submit a CV and statement of interest. If currently in the position, upon seeking reappointment the incumbent should summarize their accomplishments while serving in the position, why they want to remain in the position, and what ideas they have for the next term of appointment. If a faculty member is new to one of these positions, or if the position is new, applicants must indicate why they would want to serve in the position and what ideas they have for the coming year.