Appendix E.2 Library Faculty Evaluation Rubric: Service

Minimal  Commendable Outstanding
Service to Students Participates in College activities such as Scholar's events (e.g., Scholar's Brunch), etc.

Planning and/or sponsoring student enrichment events
Serve as an academic advisor

Serve as an advisor to a student club or organization

Supervises students' honor society chapters

Collaborates and actively engages with students in a club, organization, or honor society in developing and implementing programming for the college community
Supervises or mentors FYE student teaching assistants and prepares reports on their progress

Supervises or mentors student interns
Service to the Library Attends and actively participates in all department (academic unit) meetings throughout the academic year

Participates in observations of library faculty
Participates in the planning of a department (academic unit) professional development activity to enhance skills, etc.

Develops research materials to support specific course requests

Serves on a Library search committee
Chairs a divisional committee

Coordinates internships

Leads a professional development activity at a departmental meeting

Chairs divisional search committee

Mentors new faculty member(s) and provides report(s) on progress
Service to the College Participates in student recruitment or retention activities, including Open Houses, Accepted Student Days, Orientation, etc.

Serves on a standing faculty committee

Serves as a faculty liaison to other academic units or to committees (e.g., ROCC, Assessment committee, etc.).
Serves on another official College committee, subcommittee, or other ad-hoc committees (including search committees). Extra point for each additional committee.

Participates in observations of faculty
Acts and assumes responsibility as a developer of new library services or programs

Presents an invited address or performs at a college function

Contributes to planning and implementing a College-wide Faculty Development Day or other professional development workshop activity

Chairs a standing faculty committee or College task force or ad hoc committee (including, for example, MSCHE)

Prepares a Curriculum Committee proposal for a new course or course revisions
Service to the Profession and/or Community Volunteers time to serve the community or profession Serves on a local or regional committee

Works with students on a service/community project

Collaborates to develop community-based program or a service learning program

Organizes a program or activity for a professional organization
Chairs a local or regional committee

Serves or chairs on a national committee for a community or professional programs

Initiates community-based programs or a service learning program

Organizes a conference for professional organization

Provides research support for a community organization