Appendix D.1 Faculty Evaluation Rubric: Scholarship and Professional Development

Minimal Commendable Outstanding
Faculty Scholarship Has a research/creative agenda within their discipline. Conducts an independent or collaborative research project in teaching or in one’s discipline.

Applies and/or receives an internal funding support for research projects.

Applies and/or receives an externally funded grant as a collaborator.

Applies and/or receives a faculty development grant to support research.

Provides research support for an outside organization: community group, small business, or corporation.
Provides research support for an outside group that results in change or new practices within the organization.

Applies for and/or receives an externally funded grant as principal investigator.
Scholarship within the Institution Contributes to the unit’s (Division, Program, or School) annual reports, accreditations, etc.

Participates in a curriculum review as needed.

Perform data collection for internal reports, publications or future grant applications as needed.
Serves on an accreditation committee, such as Middle States Accreditation, CCNE, CAEP, IACBE, NYS education, etc.

Supervises undergraduate or graduate research projects within one’s discipline (SURE, Honors, Independent Study, etc.).
Leads an accreditation committee and/or writes an accreditation report.

Students present research in external forums.

Designs or writes a text for use within the division/school.
Publication/dissemination Submits a manuscript to a peer-reviewed journal or creative work for exhibit consideration during the evaluation period.

Presents in an iROC session, a College-sponsored conference, or creative work exhibit internal to the College.

Actively prepares technical reports, or substantially contributes through writing or data collection for College studies, surveys, technical reports and/or academic unit reviews.

Is a guest speaker external to the College.
Publishes a peer-reviewed article during the evaluation period.

Presents a refereed poster or presentation at a conference or meeting, or exhibits creative work, external to the College.

Publishes a book or extensive monograph.
Professional Organizations Maintains membership in a national organization relevant to the faculty member’s field or discipline or the college and university teaching profession. Serves as a peer reviewer for grant proposals, abstracts, etc. for an outside organization. Serves on an editorial board for journals or publishers.

Serves as a peer reviewer or editor for manuscript reviews or as a juror for creative work submissions.

Serves as a peer reviewer for a major funding agency to evaluate grant proposals.
Professional Development Participates in at least one faculty development day annually. Participates in multiple professional development seminars, workshops, and conferences on campus.

Attends an outside conference related to teaching or a conference in one’s discipline.

Maintains active clinical practice.
Contributes to planning and implementing a College-wide Faculty Development Day or other professional development workshop activity.

Develops an academic unit-wide initiative that will have a major impact on student learning, or that can be used as an innovative learning technique, or that results in the development of materials useful in the discipline or across disciplines.