Minimal |
Commendable |
Outstanding |
Scholarship within the Institution |
Contributes to the Library's annual reports, etc.
Participates in a curriculum or program review
Offers learning enhancement for a SURE project
Offers learning enhancement for Honor's program research projects
Perform data collection for institutional reports, publications, or future grant applications as needed
Serves on an accreditation committee, such as Middle States Accreditation, CCNE, CAPE, IACBE, NYS education, etc.
Collaborate on a SURE project
Collaborate on an Honor's program research project
Leads an accreditation committee or sub-committee
Supervises Honor's program research project(s)
Supervises a SURE project
Presents in an iROC session, College-sponsored conference, or creative work exhibit internal to the College
Scholarship external to the institution |
Develops library research materials such as guides
Writes reviews of materials for professional journal(s)
Submits a manuscript to a non-peer-reviewed journal (newsletters, etc.) or poster presentations at professional conferences during the evaluation period
Applies for an internally funded grant as principal investigator
Publishes a manuscript to a non-peer-reviewed journal (newsletters, etc.) or poster presentations at professional conferences during the evaluation period
Submits a peer-reviewed article and/or book chapters or books during the evaluation period
Writes a column for a journal
Receives an internally funded grant as principal investigator
Actively prepares technical reports, or substantially contributes through writing or data collection for College studies, surveys, technical reports and/or academic unit reviews
Applies for an externally funded grant as principal investigator
Publishes a peer-reviewed article and/or book chapters or books during the evaluation period
Presents original paper or equivalent at a conference or meeting, or exhibits creative work external to the College
Receives an externally funded grant as principal investigator.
Serves on editorial boards for professional journals or publishers
Professional Organizations |
Maintains membership in a national organization relevant to the faculty member's field or discipline or the college and university teaching profession |
Serves as a peer reviewer for internal grants
Serves on committees and subcommittees of professional organizations relevant to the faculty member's field or discipline or the college and university teaching profession
Serves as a peer reviewer for external grants
Serves as a peer reviewer or editor for manuscript reviews or as a juror for creative work submissions
Serves as a member of the board in a professional organization in one's discipline
Chairs a professional organization or a committee of a professional organization
Professional Development |
Participates in at least four hours of College sponsored faculty development workshops to improve teaching effectiveness
Maintains currency in field through reading of journals, books, etc. in one's discipline
Participates in five or more hours of professional development seminars, workshops, and conferences.
Attends an outside conference related to teaching or a conference in one's discipline
Volunteers or is invited to design and run workshops for faculty at the PD events on campus
Volunteers or is invited to run PD webinars, activities, or conferences, etc., external to the College