Minimal |
Commendable |
Outstanding |
Service to Students |
Serves as an academic advisor to students majoring in the faculty member’s discipline, including demonstrating a clear understanding of the information needed in the advising process.
Assumes rotating responsibility with other academic unit faculty for activities such as presentation of awards, honor society inductions, attendance at Scholar’s events (e.g., Scholar’s Brunch), etc. |
Serves as an advisor to a student club or organization.
Participate as a SURE mentor, with or without compensation or course release.
Supervises students’ honor society chapters.
Supervises or mentors student teaching assistants. |
Supervises or mentors student interns.
Actively engages with students in a club, organization, or honor society in developing and implementing programming for the college community.
Accompanies students at external venues for professional growth. |
Service to the Academic Unit |
Attends and actively participates in all academic unit meetings throughout the academic year. |
Participates in the planning of a academic unit professional development activity to enhance faculty teaching skills, etc.
Prepares a Curriculum Committee proposal for a new course or course revisions.
Mentors new faculty members.
Serves on a divisional search committee.
Participates in observations of faculty.
Leads the development of a program or major that is approved by the Faculty Senate.
Serves as a member of a program development committee that develops a new program or major that is approved by NY state. |
Acts and assumes responsibility as a coordinator for a labor-intensive academic unit activity (e.g., assessment, laboratory, multi-sectional course, internships or other), or chairs a divisional committee.
Serves as a chair of a academic unit search committee.
Serves as chair of an academic unit.
Leads the development of, and receives NY state approval for, a new program or major. |
Service to the College |
Participates in at least two events per calendar year of student recruitment or retention activities, including Open Houses, Accepted Student Days, Orientation, etc.
Participates in the work of a standing faculty committee. |
Participates in at least four events per calendar year of student recruitment or retention activities, including Open Houses, Accepted Student Days, etc.
Serves on another official College committee, sub-committee, or other ad-hoc committees.
Works closely with non-academic areas such as the Career Center or OSS.
Serves as a faculty liaison to other academic units or to committees (e.g., ROCC, Assessment committee, etc.). |
Presents an invited address or performs at a college function.
Makes significant contributions to the work of an official college committee, subcommittee, or ad hoc committee, including service as committee chair.
Serves on a college-wide search committee. |
Service to Community |
Volunteers time to serve the community.
Volunteers time to serve their profession.
Serves or chairs on a local or regional committee for community programs.
Works with students on a service/community project.
Serves or chairs on a national committee for community programs.
Initiates community-based programs, or a service learning program. |
Service to the Profession
Serves or chairs on a local or regional committee for professional programs.
Works with students on a project that serves a professional organization.
Organizes a program or activity for a professional organization.
Serves or chairs on a national committee for professional programs.
Serves as a member of the board in a professional organization in one’s discipline.