Article I
The membership of the Faculty Senate is determined by Article V of the Bylaws of the Faculty of Mount Saint Mary College as indicated below:
Section 1 |
The Faculty Senate shall consist of the President of the College, Vice President for Academic Affairs, ex officio, and senators – not to exceed ten – elected by the voting members of the faculty with at least one member from each major area of instruction to represent the faculty in all areas of faculty concern. The elected members of the Faculty Senate shall be voting members of the faculty. (Approved, General Faculty Meeting 4-29-86 and Board of Trustees Meeting 5-17-86) |
Section 2 |
The At-Large Faculty Senate Member for the following year will be elected by a majority vote in early spring. The procedure will be as follows:
1. Nominations will be accepted from any full-time faculty member.
2. Voting will take place until one individual is elected by 51% or more of the voting faculty. If no one receives at least 51% or more of the votes during the first round, the names of individuals receiving the highest three vote totals will be placed into a second round of votes. If no one receives 51% or more of the votes from the second round, a third round of voting will be held using the names of the top two votes counts from round two. In the case of a tie, Senate will cast the deciding vote, with any potential candidates recusing themselves. (Approved, Faculty Senate Meeting 4-20-2021)
3. If the At-Large member of Senate resigns or is unable to serve, then an election for a replacement will take place as soon as possible. The Committee on Committees will solicit nominations and oversee a vote following the procedures outlined in the Bylaws of the Faculty Senate. (Approved, Faculty Senate Meeting 10-17-2023)
The elected members of the Faculty Senate shall be nominated by the Committee on Committees, or by nominations from the floor, and elected by a majority vote at the last meeting of the faculty in the academic year.
Section 3 |
The term of office for elected members of the Faculty Senate shall be for one year, from July 1 to June 30. |
Section 4 |
The Faculty Senate shall assume all of the responsibilities and shall exercise all the prerogatives of the faculty, subject only to the right of the faculty upon its own motion to reverse any specific vote of the Faculty Senate, by a simple majority of the entire voting membership of the faculty. (Bylaws of Board of Trustees, XIV-6C) |
Article II
In accordance with Article XIV-6C of the Bylaws of the Board of Trustees and the Bylaws of the Faculty of Mount Saint Mary College. “The Faculty Senate shall assume all of the responsibilities and shall exercise all of the prerogatives of the faculty, subject only to the right of the faculty upon its own motion to reverse any specific vote of the Faculty Senate, by a simple majority of the entire voting membership of the faculty.”
Article III
Section 1 |
The Faculty Senate shall meet at least four times each academic year and as often as is necessary to properly consider and act upon matters related to the responsibilities of the Senate. |
Section 2 |
Meetings of the Faculty Senate shall be called by the chairperson, or by petition to the chairperson of a majority of the members or by petition to the chairperson of ten percent of the voting members of the faculty. (Faculty Senate approval 9-13-73) |
Article IV
Section 1 |
The chairperson shall be elected by the members of the General Faculty and shall preside at all its meetings. In the absence of the chairperson the secretary will call the meeting to order and the Senate will choose a chairperson pro tem.4 |
Section 2 |
A secretary shall be elected by the Faculty Senate. |
Article V
Section 1 |
Amendments to these bylaws may be proposed by any member of the Faculty Senate. (Faculty Senate approval 9-13-73) |
Section 2 |
Proposed amendments to these bylaws must be circulated to all members of the Faculty Senate at least two weeks before the date of the meeting at which the proposal will be considered. |
Section 3 |
Any amendment to, or modification of, these bylaws shall require the approval of the majority of the Faculty Senate. |
Article VI
Rules of Order
Unless by general agreement of those present, the proceedings of the Faculty Senate shall be in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order.
Article VII
Minutes of Meetings
Minutes of the meetings of the Faculty Senate shall be distributed to all members of the faculty and non-instructional staff associated with academic affairs. (Proposed August, 1966 – Adopted by Faculty Senate on 9-13-86) [Need to be sure this is consistent with §I.D.4.]