Candidates will learn to how to supervise and administer a high-quality early childhood program. Candidates will learn to develop and adhere to a fiscal budget that is financially sustainable. Candidates will learn to develop orientation practices that will support and develop staff and inform staff of applicable regulations and labor laws necessary for equitable employment. Candidates will learn to facilitate early intervention and Committee on Pre-School Special (CPSE) practices that will support both students and families to ensure appropriate instructional settings and practices. Candidates will learn how to create developmentally appropriate environments that meet the standards put forth by both Office of Early Learning and Infant Toddlers Environment Rating Scale (ITERS) and, Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale (ECERS). Candidates will learn to plan team development meetings that will provide an accountability framework to support and develop both new and veteran teachers. Candidates will learn how to prepare and facilitate staff meetings that will lead to positive staff-staff interactions, staff- parent relations, and staff- student relations. Candidates will identify and analyze a variety of methods of maintaining frequent and outcomes-based communication with children’s parents.




Participants should be in a graduate program or graduate students with responsibilities related to early childhood program supervision.