The Writing Center

The Writing Center offers free, one-on-one tutoring and writing-related guidance to all Mount students in any stage of the writing process. Students can schedule a 45-minute appointment with one of the Writing Center's specially trained tutors in order to discuss their writing and writing assignments. During a writing consultation, students will work with a Writing Center tutor to discuss any concerns about their writing, read through their draft (or discuss strategies for getting started if there is no draft), and identify strategies for improvement that they can apply to all their future writing assignments.

Students can make an appointment at the Writing Center by visiting the Writing Center site on the portal, which also houses lots of writing resources. Students are also encouraged to follow the Writing Center on Instagram for ongoing writing tips and updates.

  • Instagram : @msmcwritingcenter

In addition to providing free writing help through our writing consultations, the Writing Center strives to be the home for writing on campus. The center sponsors on-campus events, celebrates good writing, and collaborates with all members of the campus community (students, faculty, and staff) to make Mount Saint Mary College a place where writing is a part of our shared culture.

The Writing Center is located on the first floor of the Dominican Center (suite 118) and can be reached by phone: 845-569-3413 and email: