Grievances Regarding School/Division/Program Reallocation of Teaching Responsibilities

A faculty member who is asked to change their teaching responsibilities under the reallocation policy described above, may file a grievance with the PSC if they believe that the decision to reallocate some or all their teaching responsibilities:

  1. violated one or more of the procedures stated above
  2. was made on grounds that are discriminatory or in violation of academic freedom
  3. was arbitrary

The burden of proof in the case of an appeal rests on the faculty member.

The PSC will report its findings and recommendations to the President of the College. If the committee’s findings support the faculty member’s allegation(s), in whole or in part, it may recommend that the President reconsider the reallocation of teaching responsibilities of school/division/program personnel. The President’s decision is final.

A faculty member may also file a grievance if they believe that the decision(s) relating to what constitutes “a position for which the faculty member is qualified”, “reasonable period of training”, and/or “level of financial or other support during the transition process” was arbitrary or blatantly unreasonable.

The burden of proof in the case of such an appeal rests on the faculty member.

The PSC will report its findings and recommendations to the President of the College. If the committee’s findings support the faculty member’s allegation(s), in whole or in part, it may recommend that the President reconsider the decision(s) relating to what constitutes “a position for which the faculty member is qualified,” “a reasonable period of training” and/or “level of financial or other support” during the transition process. The President’s decision is final.