Emeritus Status

Emeriti/Emerita have devoted much of their life in service to Mount Saint Mary College are a valued part of our community. The privileges of faculty with Emeritus/a status shall include:

  1. A Mount Saint Mary College identification card as an emeritus/a faculty.
  2. Retention of MSMC email address.
  3. Faculty library privileges.
  4. Faculty parking privileges.
  5. Receipt of all printed and electronic MSMC informational publications.
  6. The right to participate in public College ceremonies including commencement, convocation and presidential investiture.
  7. Invitation to appropriate faculty social functions.
  8. Faculty privileges for taking or auditing courses, subject to course availability and with preference given to students and active faculty.
  9. Regular faculty privileges for use of dining, recreational or social facilities on campus.

Emeriti wishing to continue academic activity can be granted the following privileges upon their request:

  1. Listing with the faculty in appropriate campus directories and catalog.
  2. Listing in the Campus Speakers Bureau with the approval of the President.
  3. Emeriti may be asked to serve in an advisory or consultant capacity on campus, including faculty committees. Emeritus status does not carry suffrage within the general faculty, within a division or school, nor on any committee even if their consultation has been sought by that committee.
  4. Emeriti may request use of College facilities (with due precedence given to active faculty).
  5. The opportunity to request institutional affiliation to support proposals they wish to submit to funding agencies subject to approval by the President and review by the Institutional Review Board.

Requirements for eligibility – A faculty member must:

  1. Be retiring at the rank of assistant, associate or full professor at Mount Saint Mary College.
  2. Have served Mount Saint Mary College for at least fifteen (15) years.

Process for nomination to Emeritus/a Status

Each year during the spring semester the VPAA will prepare a list of all those who are retiring from the College who meet the above criteria. These names will be submitted with brief biographies that demonstrate how they meet the criteria. The President will present the list to the Trustees for confirmation.