Definition of Faculty Status
All individuals holding academic rank shall constitute the faculty of the college.
Definition of teaching faculty: Teaching faculty refers to full-time tenured and tenure-track faculty, faculty librarians, faculty in phased retirement, and administrators with faculty status if their contracts require a minimum teaching load of one course per semester.
Tenure Track
Tenure is granted to individuals holding academic rank as outlined in the handbook section Qualifications for Appointment to Rank.
Non-Tenure Track
The academic integrity of the College is generally best served by classes taught by tenure and tenure-eligible faculty members. Some specialists do not possess the qualifications to achieve tenure. Non-tenure track faculty are full time faculty, hired with the Lecturer or Professor of Practice title. As experts in their field, their primary responsibility is teaching but they may contribute to the College either by teaching or by a combination of teaching and service. They receive up to a one-year contract, which may be renewed annually. The request for a non-tenure track faculty member originates from the academic unit and/or the Chairperson of the unit.
Additional responsibilities of non-tenure track faculty may include:
- Participation in faculty governance at the academic unit level as determined by majority vote of the academic unit
- Participation and voting in College Committees, General Faculty meetings, and task forces with the exception of Curriculum Committee and Faculty Senate
- Advising as determined by the academic unit Chairperson
- Other service as expected of full-time faculty such as participation at admission events
Evaluation will require:
- Annual completion of a faculty data form
- Annual classroom observation
- Student evaluations and patterns of grades that reflect a span of student achievement
- Peer review in the academic unit, with recommendation to rehire for the next year
Additional Information:
- No more than 10% of the full-time faculty or no more than 1 faculty member in an academic unit, whichever is higher, may hold the position of Professor of Practice, unless requested by a majority vote of the academic unit and approved by the VPAA.
- The number of faculty appointed to Professor of Practice positions shall not exceed 15% of the College’s full-time tenured and tenure track faculty.
- The appointment of these non-tenure full-time Professors of Practice should not be seen as a solution to the financial needs of the College.
- If a tenure track line is available and there is not a suitable candidate to fill the position, a non-tenure track faculty may fill this position temporarily until such a time as a tenure track faculty member can be selected.
- Non-tenure track is not designed to hire a faculty member for a trial period before assuming a tenure track position.
- Faculty who are denied tenure because they are unable to demonstrate the expected levels in teaching, scholarship, and service will not be considered for non-tenure track positions.
- Non-tenure track faculty will receive all the same College benefits as tenured and tenure track faculty.
Part-time Faculty
Individuals serving on a part-time basis may be assigned the title adjunct professor instead of the title of lecturer. Adjunct professors shall assume the responsibilities and privileges of professors but are not voting members of the faculty. Service under the title of adjunct professor shall not grant tenure status.
Faculty Status of Administrators and Professional Staff
Administrators and professional staff may negotiate faculty status for their appointment consistent with the Qualifications for Appointment to Rank, and with consultation with the appropriate academic unit and the P&T Committee. Progression through the ranks should follow the process outlined in the Appointment and Reappointment section.
Tenure Status of Incoming Senior Faculty
No faculty are hired with tenure but credit for prior experience may shorten the timeline for tenure.