Teaching Duties

a. Syllabus

Faculty should prepare a syllabus for each course taught and share it with students. A sample syllabus is available through the Office of Academic Affairs. This syllabus is a communication with students that outlines the following:

  • How to contact the faculty member.
  • Office hours.
  • Course description.
  • Course learning outcomes.
  • Schedule of topics to be covered.
  • Explanation of how the final grade will be calculated.
  • Explanation of how the final number grade will be converted to a letter grade.
  • Statements regarding academic misconduct, disability services, and the honor code.

b. Office Hours

Members of the faculty are required to be available to their students during three designated office hours each week. These scheduled hours must be listed on the syllabi of all courses and posted on each faculty member’s office door or other appropriate department location. These hours should be at times that are convenient to the students who are in the courses taught that semester.

c. Final Exam

Final exams for a traditional semester should be scheduled during the week after classes end by following procedures outlined by the registrar’s office. The registrar will schedule all requested final exams during final exam week.

d. Reporting attendance, progress, and final grades

Faculty members must provide updates to student progress during the early alert period, as well as submit mid-term and final grades using the portal grading system according to the dates established in the Academic Calendar. Faculty must meet the deadlines for mid-term and final grades as set by the registrar’s office in order to allow the Registrar to process student transcripts in a timely manner. Students who never attend class within the first two weeks of the semester must be administratively withdrawn (AW) through the registrar’s office. Faculty are required to keep a record of student attendance throughout the semester.

e. Absence from class

When sickness or other circumstances prohibit faculty attendance in a class, the faculty member must notify their Department or Division Chair and the Department/Division administrative assistant prior to the scheduled time of the class.