
Welcome to Mount Saint Mary College! Whether you are a full-time student, or just taking a course or two, we hope your experience will be a satisfying one.

Mount Saint Mary College is an independent, co-educational, institution of higher education with about 2,000 students. With a student-to-faculty ratio of 13 to 1, the Mount community is a close and supportive one. In all of the College's programs, faculty work closely with students in the classroom and in independent research.

The College is proud of the academic excellence of its faculty, who have distinguished themselves in many fields. They contribute to the quality of life in the Hudson Valley community, sharing their expertise and vitality in numerous ways, including membership in professional and service organizations.

The Mount's curriculum aims at educating the total person, offering varied and stimulating academic opportunities in which liberal arts courses balance professional training to give graduates a variety of career options. The College is interested in the development of sound values, goals, and commitment in its students, and prepares them to assume responsible roles in society.

We are confident you will find everyone connected with the Mount — students, faculty, staff, and administrators — helpful and friendly. If you have a question or problem, please contact the Office of Student Affairs, and you'll be directed to the right office.