Admission Requirements

  1. A baccalaureate degree from an accredited undergraduate institution.
  2. Applicants in Students with Disabilities  (grades 1-6 or grades 7-12), Literacy (birth-grade 6 or grades 5-12), Literacy (grades 5-12) and Students with Disabilities (grades 7-12), Literacy (birth-grade 6 and grades 5-12), and the Middle School Extension programs (grades 7-9 or grades 5-6) must submit a copy of a valid New York State teaching certificate.
  3. Applicants in the Childhood (grades 1-6), Childhood and Students with Disabilities (PreK - 12 - All Grades), Childhood (1-6) and Early Childhood Education (birth-2) or Childhood with the advanced certificate in Literacy (birth-grade 6) programs are required to present evidence of undergraduate preparation in appropriate liberal arts areas, with a minimum of 30 credits in an acceptable liberal arts concentration designated by the Division of Education with at least 12 credits in upper level courses (3000/4000 level). In addition, a total of 75 liberal arts credits is required inclusive of 6 credits in each of the following: English, mathematics, natural science and social science. At least 3 of the social science credits must be history. The liberal arts credits must also include 3 credits in each of humanities, fine arts, computer science and a language other than English.
  4. Applicants in the Adolescence Education (grades 7-12) or Adolescence and Special with Disabilities (PreK -12 - All Grades), Adolescence Education (grades 7-12) with the advanced certificate in Literacy (grades 5-12) programs must show evidence that acceptable course work has been successfully completed. Applicants will be required to meet the distribution of courses as outlined in the Mount Saint Mary College undergraduate catalog in one of the following areas of specialization, with at least 18 credits in sequential upper-level courses (3000 or 4000 level):

    Biology - 36 credits

    Chemistry - 36 credits

    English - 30 credits beyond ENG 101, 102

    Mathematics - 36 credits

    Social Sciences (Social Studies) - 36 credits

    In addition, a total of 75 liberal arts credits is required inclusive of 6 credits in each of English, Math, History and Natural Science and 3 credits in each of the following: Social Science, Humanities, Fine Arts, Computer Science, and a language other than English.

  5. A Grade Point Average of 2.85 or above on a 4.0 scale with a 3.0 GPA in area of specialization. The candidate may be admitted with special considerations if the GPA is between 2.75 and 2.99 and will have to attain a "B" in the first 4 graduate courses. In exceptional cases, and at the discretion of a division level review committee, the 2.75 GPA requirement may be waived, and the candidate may be admitted. Students admitted with special considerations or in exceptional cases must receive a minimum grade of a "B" in each of their first four graduate education courses. Failure to earn at least a "B" in any of the first four graduate courses will lead to dismissal from the program.

The Division of Education reserves the right to require that applicants complete appropriate liberal arts courses as required by the New York State Department of Education before granting a student matriculated status in the program.

  1. Additional evidence of potential to complete the degree successfully, to be provided through two letters of professional references and a statement of professional goals.
  2. An advising consultation with the Graduate Program Coordinator of Education and/or the Chair of the Division of Education.
  3. An undergraduate deficiency is a course required by New York State for certification that has not been completed successfully by the graduate applicant at the time of admission to a graduate program in education. To successfully complete an undergraduate course, an applicant must earn the minimum grade and minimum credits required by New York State. A graduate candidate with up to 9 credits in undergraduate deficiencies could be admitted, and then required to make up the credits while they are matriculating. No more than 12 credits at the graduate level may be earned before all deficiencies are met. For programs for which a valid NYS teacher certification is a requirement, students have until the completion of 12 graduate credits to receive the certification.