Master of Science in Education


The philosophy, purposes and objectives of all graduate programs are reflected in a variety of ways. In keeping with the mission of the college, all graduate programs in education are designed to provide the highest quality of professional development for either beginning or experienced teachers. Programs are rooted in theory and research and aim to translate past and contemporary issues and trends into practice. The purpose of each program is to prepare beginning and experienced teachers to address educational challenges with skill and expertise.

Objectives of all programs include:

  • Developing a sensitivity to the diverse needs of today’s student population;
  • Developing an awareness of current educational research and ways to engage in action research within the role of reflective practitioner;
  • Developing deeper insight and knowledge in such areas as standards-based education, special education, character education, technology education and literacy;
  • Developing professional skills and competencies needed to maximize the effectiveness of the teaching-learning process in today’s schools;
  • Developing skills in communication and interpersonal relationships within the school community;
  • Developing an appreciation for lifelong learning and on-going professional development.

Professional Development

All candidates for certification in any area of graduate education are required to join a professional organization appropriate with their area of concentration. They also are required to attend a professional development event connected to their major field as a condition of being recommended for certification in New York State.


The New York State Education Department is responsible for identifying the relevant exams needed for each certification.

Childhood Education

The college offers programs that qualify graduates for New York State Teacher certification in childhood education (grades 1-6), childhood education (grades 1-6) and students with disabilities (PreK - 12 - All Grades), childhood education (grades 1-6) with Option for Companion Certificate Program in Literacy (birth-grade 6).

Adolescence Education

The college offers programs that qualify graduates for New York State teacher certification in adolescence education (grades 7-12), adolescence and students with disabilities (PreK - 12 - All Grades), and adolescence education (grades 7-12) with option for Companion Certificate Program in Literacy (grades 5-12).

Special Education

The college offers programs that qualify graduates for New York State Teacher certification in special education grades 1-6 or 7-12.

Literacy Program

The programs in literacy are designed to prepare either prospective or experienced educators to develop in children literacy skills that are essential for success in school and in lifelong learning. The theoretical foundations of literacy instruction and the latest developments in research on literacy serve as a framework for developing awareness of early literacy and its relationship to skill development and diversity issues affecting literacy learning. An emphasis on translating theory and research into practice provides a basis for developing an understanding and appreciation for literacy learning as it applies to all children.

A primary aim of the literacy programs is to develop proficiency in providing instruction and assessment in literacy. Another aim is to develop proficiency in organizing and enhancing literacy programs in cooperation and collaboration with other school personnel that results in creating instructional environments that maximize literacy skills in all learners.

Middle School Extension Program

Mount Saint Mary College offers two Middle School Extension Programs: Middle School Extension in Content Area (grades 7-9) and Middle School Extension Program in (grades 5-6). The aim of these programs focuses on developing skills and expertise required to effectively teach today’s young adolescents. Theoretical foundations related to adolescent development and research on effective teaching strategies serve as a basis for preparing teachers to design instruction that maximizes successful outcomes as applied to middle school learning experiences. Standards based planning and instruction is emphasized in the following content areas: biology, chemistry, English, mathematics, and social studies.