Senior Seminar II in a student’s final year includes the cooperation of key research materials from Senior Seminar I and writing a novel 15-20 page research paper on a topic in theology and religious studies.  The paper is 25-35 pages, should the student desire to combine their thesis topics of theology with a second major, with the permission of both advisors.  Each student will work with a thesis director, a full-time T/RS faculty member, to direct and grade the thesis; or the theological aspects of the combined thesis with another major.


The thesis must incorporate and put into conversation at least two categories from the T/RS Major, including: Biblical Studies; Systematics; Culture; Spirituality.


The student is graded on their organizing preparation, and within the research paper: clarity of thesis, logical flow of argument, and elucidation of theological principals.  These theological principals must be demonstrated in the comprehensive conversation of at least two of the categories mentioned above.  The thesis must be submitted to the Division by April 1st to be reviewed by two full-time faculty members.  A 20-minute oral presentation of the thesis findings are presented before the Division faculty.  Presentations are scheduled between April 1st and Final Exam Week, and are open to family members and to the College Community.  Senior Seminar II is graded as Pass/Fail.




A minimum of 24 credits for the T/RS Major, and both Experiential Learning requirements should be completed in advance of this course. All Gen Ed requirements should be completed. The student must achieve a minimum of a “C” average in the Fall Senior Seminar.