Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine, D.O.- Pathway Program (3+4 and 4+4 Pathways)

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Mount Saint Mary College and Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine have entered into an Articulation (Linkage) Agreement that allows our students to choose one of two pathways: 3+4 or 4+4 pathway. Students pursuing the 3+4 pathway begin their first year studies in pursuit of the Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.) degree following completion of their Junior year at MSMC. Biology students who are admitted to Touro College would earn their bachelor’s degree after completing their first year at Touro. Mount Saint Mary College students not only complete the Doctor of Osteopathy degree within seven years, rather than eight, but also enter sooner into professional practice. Students pursuing the 4+4 pathway complete their undergraduate Biology degree at Mount Saint Mary College and matriculate to Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine the following fall.

Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine (TouroCOM) will consider our students for acceptance by way of either of the two following pathways:

1. students who have successfully completed the MSMC Biology program (4+4 pathway), or

2. students who complete all the prerequisites for admission into TouroCOM by their third year at the Mount (3+4 pathway)

To apply through either pathway, the following conditions have been met:

1. The satisfactory completion of the entire pre-professional curriculum with a minimum overall GPA of 3.0 (on a scale of 0 to 4), minimum science GPA of 3.0 (on a scale of 0 to 4). In certain individual cases, exceptions to this requirement may be made at the discretion of the TouroCOM's Dean.

2. MSMC students meeting the criteria will be eligible for a personal interview with TouroCOM's Admissions Committee, provided that they also obtain a positive recommendation for acceptance from the MSMC Administration and/or pre-medical advisory committee or its equivalent. The interview will occur during the regular admissions cycle for the anticipated year of matriculation and will take place at TouroCOM.

3. MSMC students who meet the criteria will be given preferred applicant points on the admissions rubric of TouroCOM.

4. Additionally, students must to demonstrate a commitment to the study of professionalism, medicine and core requirements. This commitment could be demonstrated by volunteering in a medical setting, including shadowing a physician and becoming knowledgeable about medicine.

5. Complete application process should take place during the third or final year of study at MSMC, depending on the pathway sought.

*The ultimate decision to accept or reject an MSMC applicant rests solely and exclusively with TouroCOM and is not subject to appeal or review. Acceptance rates and percentages CANNOT be guaranteed or promised.

Program Requirements

Applicants will have earned a baccalaureate degree or higher, from a college or university accredited by an agency recognized by the United States Department of Education. The Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine Admissions Committee will evaluate applicants' suitability for acceptance to the College by considering academic competence, previous achievement, strong personal qualities, demonstrated leadership skills, creative abilities, honors, awards, extracurricular activities, experience in health care, likelihood to practice in underserved primary care areas, and other non-cognitive factors. 

Applicants shall have completed the following pre-requisite courses (note – there may be additional courses required for the Biology, BS degree):

1. Biology: A minimum of eight semester hours, of which a minimum of two hours of laboratory work must be completed. These eight hours may consist of four hours of zoology, but not botany alone.

2. Inorganic Chemistry: A minimum of eight semester hours including two semester hours of laboratory work.

3. Organic Chemistry: A minimum of eight semester hours including two semester hours of laboratory work. Four semester hours of biochemistry can be substituted for four semester hours of organic chemistry.

4. Physics: A minimum of eight semester hours, including two semester hours of laboratory work.

5. English: A minimum of six semester hours of composition and literature.

6. Mathematics and/or Computer Science: A minimum of four semester hours of courses in mathematics and/or computer science.

7. Behavioral Sciences: A minimum of six semester hours of courses in behavioral sciences, i.e., anthropology, psychology, sociology.

Each candidate must submit his/her most recent Medical College Aptitude Test (MCAT) scores (no older than 3 years). Science and overall GPA as well as MCAT scores are requirements for admission. Candidate MCAT scores and grade point average profiles must be competitive. Please keep in mind that academic grades and the MCAT scores are just two factors used in the evaluation process. The Dean reserves the authority to approve all applications for admission. Each candidate for admission will be interviewed by TouroCOM.