Doctor of Chiropractic Medicine, D.C. 3/3 and 4/3 Programs - Northeast College of Health Sciences

3+3 Chiropractic Program

In this program, students at Mount Saint Mary College will pursue a program of study leading to a baccalaureate degree in Biology, Exercise Science, or Interdisciplinary Biology & Exercise Sciences, and includes course work required to satisfy all entrance requirements of Northeast College of Health Sciences.

Students must complete the 3+3 course of study at Mount Saint Mary College with a cumulative Grade Point Average of at least 3.0 and earn a minimum of “C” (2.00) in all specified courses.

All other requirements of the 4+3 program will apply.

Students enrolled in the 3+3 program who successfully complete all courses during the first three trimesters at Northeast with a grade point average of 2.00 will receive the B.S. degree from Mount Saint Mary College upon student -initiated submission of official transcript from Northeast to MSMC and timely completion of the MSMC application for graduation and submission of appropriate fees.

Please contact the Division of Natural Sciences for more information about these programs.

4+3 Chiropractic Program

In this program, students at Mount Saint Mary College will pursue a program of study leading to a baccalaureate degree in Biology, Exercise Science, or Interdisciplinary Biology & Exercise Sciences, and includes course work required to satisfy all entrance requirements of Northeast College of Health Sciences.

Students must complete the course of study at Mount Saint Mary College with a cumulative Grade Point Average of at least 3.0 and earn a minimum of “C” (2.00) in all specified courses.

Students entering with a 3.0-3.499 cumulative Grade Point Average from Mount Saint Mary College will be automatically awarded a Northeast merit scholarship valued at $1500.00. Students entering with a 3.5 or higher cumulative Grade Point Average from Mount Saint Mary College will be automatically awarded a Northeast merit scholarship valued at $2500.00. These scholarships are non-renewable and dispersed equally between the first and second Northeast trimesters only.

Within the first two years at Mount Saint Mary College, students will submit their intent to Northeast Admissions identifying themselves as articulation students and their desired date of entrance to Northeast. The letter of intent must be signed by the student’s advisor, signaling a realistic and accurate desired Northeast entrance date.

Students must apply for admission to Northeast one year of their desired entrance date and complete all Northeast application requirements.

Students who do not maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 from Mount Saint Mary College but complete the program with a GPA of 2.75 or better, will receive appropriate special consideration for admission to Northeast.