
Bachelor of Arts: A major discipline of studies ("major") leading to a Bachelor of Arts shall consist of not fewer than 20 and not more than 40 credits in an approved major subject over and above courses in that subject taken to meet general education requirements. Students enrolled in interdisciplinary programs may not exceed 48 credits in the component disciplines taken together over and above the general education requirements or 36 credits in any single component discipline. A minimum of 12 upper-level credits in the major subject (unless otherwise specified by a particular major) must be completed at Mount Saint Mary College. A student who exceeds, or plans to exceed, the 40-credit maximum must initiate a request for waiver (waiver form available in the Office of the Registrar) with an academic advisor. The advisor makes a recommendation and forwards the request to the division chair. The division chair makes a recommendation and forwards the request to the Academic Standards Committee for review and a decision. The committee can approve the overload without additional requirements; disapprove the overload; or require the student to take additional non-major courses equivalent to or less than the overload within the major. Graduation credits would be 120 plus major overload credits not waived. For a major to be recorded on the transcript, a student must have a minimum 2.0 Grade Point Average, calculated from all required courses contributing to the major.

Bachelor of Science: A major leading to a Bachelor of Science shall consist of not fewer than 20 and not more than 50 credits in an approved major subject over and above courses in that subject taken to meet general education requirements. Students enrolled in interdisciplinary programs may not exceed 48 credits in the component disciplines taken together over and above the general education requirements or 36 credits in any single component discipline. A minimum of 12 upper-level credits, in the major subject, as specified by the division, must be completed at Mount Saint Mary College.

A major leading to a Bachelor of Science with education certification shall consist of not fewer than 20 and not more than 40 credits in an approved major subject over and above courses in that subject taken to meet general education requirements. A minimum of 12 upper-level credits, in the major, as specified by the division, must be completed at Mount Saint Mary College. In addition, the student must have completed 60-89 liberal arts and science credits and have a minimum of 18 credits in approved education courses. For a major to be recorded on the transcript, a student must have a minimum 2.0 Grade Point Average, calculated from all required courses contributing to the major.

Students may change their academic major with the permission of the chairperson of the department into which they wish to transfer. In order to effect a change of major, students must secure the required signature(s) on a Change/Declare Major form, which then must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar. Students who change their majors understand that, by doing so, the length of time and/or number of total credits required to graduate with that major may increase. Forms are available online at:, under the Student Forms section.