Writing Intensive Courses

  • The course should include both low-stakes and high-stakes writing assignments. Low-stakes (formative) writing assignments encourage students to develop their ideas and writing without heavy emphasis on grading. High-stakes (summative) writing assignments provide a culminating piece of work which students have reviewed and reworked.

    • Writing-to-learn assignments - low stakes: journal entries, reflections, analyses, response papers, blog posts (10-20% grade)

    • Writing-in-discipline assignments - high stakes: lab reports, business plans, articles, essays, topic proposals, abstracts, etc., ranging from 500-1,000 words with some revision (15-50% of grade)

    • Final Summative Writing assignment - final summative writing assignment greater than 1,000 words with drafts, feedback and revisions (30% of grade). This can be part of writing-in-discipline assignment total.

    • Overall, all writing assignments must be at least 50% of the final grade

  • Grading rubric for writing assignments must include comments on form and function of writing: Writing Intensive courses must include assignments where student writing is critiqued in detail by the instructor. It is recommended that the rubric includes comments on grammar/spelling, style, organization, clarity, and demonstrated understanding of the material.  

  • Writing Intensive courses must include regular instruction and reinforcement in writing techniques. This can include formal lessons/lectures in writing techniques and/or feedback/conferences on individual assignments.

  • At least one writing assignment must require at least one draft of the assignment. To align with the high stakes and final summative writing requirements above, students should provide at least one draft of the assignment to be critiqued by the faculty and students should use this feedback for revisions.

  • All writing intensive courses will be capped at 15 students per instructor. In light of the demands placed on faculty for frequent and in-depth critiques of student work in WI courses, and to ensure that these courses are taught in the most effective way, enrollment in any Writing Intensive class section will be capped at 15 students per instructor.