Off-Semester Scheduling

January Interim

January Interim enables students to give exclusive attention to one course of study over a two- to three-week period before the spring semester. In order to meet the needs of a wide variety of students, courses of both a traditional and non-traditional nature are offered by the College faculty.

If a student pursues a course or courses abroad in another accredited institution of higher education, that credit is treated as a permission credit. In such a situation, the student pays his/her fee to the accredited institution abroad and that college is required to pay the salary of the instructor. Mount Saint Mary College merely records the course, grade, and credit on the student's transcript and does not get involved in an exchange of finances. However, if the Mount offers a course abroad and hires an instructor to teach the course, the student pays the Mount a fee for the credits taken and the College pays the instructor for teaching the course.

Participation in January Interim is entirely voluntary. Students may participate in anticipation of early graduation, as an alternative to the normal five-course study program in the spring and fall semesters or to take advantage of the many non-traditional course offerings that are common to the Interim.

A student may register for a maximum of two courses during January Interim. Requests for exceptions to this policy will be forwarded to the Academic Standards Committee.

Summer Session

The college offers two 5-week summer sessions for traditional students and two 7-week summer sessions for accelerated students. Students who register for Summer Session courses are generally advised not to carry more than two courses per session.