Degrees Offered

Mount Saint Mary College offers courses leading to the degrees of Bachelor of Arts (BA) and Bachelor of Science (BS).

Students may choose from 27 majors: accounting; advertising and public relations; biology; business management and administration (concentrations offered in finance, marketing, and sports management); chemistry; criminology (concentrations offered in criminal justice system, juvenile justice, and restorative justice), cybersecurity; digital media production; english (concentrations offered in writing and creative writing); exercise science; game programming; general science- interdisciplinary; graphic design- visual communication; healthcare management (concentrations offered in finance, marketing, and sports management); hispanic studies; history; history/political science; humanities at work; human services (concentration offered  in health care advocacy); information technology (concentrations offered in cybersecurity, educational technology, human computer interaction, networking, programming, and health informatics); interdisciplinary studies; journalism; mathematics (concentration offered in actuarial science); nursing; psychology; social sciences; sociology; sports management.

In conjunction with an academic major in a liberal arts and sciences content area, the Division of Education offers courses that will permit students to complete academic requirements for initial New York state certification in the following areas: Childhood Education (1-6); Childhood Education with middle school extension (grades 7-9); Childhood Education and Students with Disabilities (grades 1-6) with emphasis on inclusion and pupils with mild disabilities (mild/moderate emotional disturbance, learning disabilities and Developmental Disabilities; Childhood and Early Childhood (birth-grade 2); Early Childhood, Childhood and Students with Disabilities (1-6); Adolescent Certification (grades 7-12); Adolescent Education with middle school extension (grades 5-6); and Adolescent Education and Students with Disabilities - Generalist (grades 7-12).

Students interested in obtaining an educational background for careers in environmental studies may select a major in social sciences with electives in the natural sciences; or a major in biology and chemistry with electives in the social sciences.

Time to Degree

Mount Saint Mary College has established specific timeframes within which students are expected to complete program requirements toward their individual degrees. Students are expected to complete all graduation requirements for a degree within six years. Time to complete degree is automatically extended when students are approved for a leave of absence. All other students requesting an extension are required to submit their requests to the Academic Standards Committee.