Transfer and Degree Completion Programs

The degree completion program offers in-classroom, hybrid, and fully-online courses to provide greater flexibility for the nontraditional student. It offers several programs of study: accounting, business, human services, interdisciplinary, interdisciplinary degree toward education, nursing, the hybrid RN to BS in nursing, and psychology.

The academic year is divided into shorter sessions, with courses offered Monday/Wednesday evenings, Tuesday/Thursday evenings, or Saturdays. The combination of hybrid courses and online learning with the Mount's personalized advisement and adaptable scheduling allows more adults to obtain a bachelor's degree in the shortest time period. Through individualized counseling, students are encouraged to establish a realistic educational plan that suits their long-term goals, while fulfilling family and work responsibilities.

Degree Completion Students in the Traditional Undergraduate Program

Degree completion students may choose the traditional undergraduate program that offers a wider choice of majors and courses, as well as the opportunity to pursue New York State Teacher Certification as part of their undergraduate degree.