The Library

The Kaplan Family Library and Learning Center is the hub of information and research at Mount Saint Mary College. Located on the first two floors of the Dominican Center, the library plays an integral role in the academic experience of every student.

The beautifully designed library space, which opened in January 2014, offers a wide variety of seating and workspace options where students can work together or individually on all aspects of their projects and assignments. In addition to designated quiet study areas in the stacks, the library offers space for discussion and collaborative work. There are also six study/presentation rooms equipped with the latest in presentation and collaboration technology, where students can practice presentations, work on group projects, or study in solitude. These rooms can be reserved online in advance or used on a drop-in basis.

Library faculty and staff offer MSMC students expert assistance with research and information technology. Librarians teach information literacy skills through the First Year Experience program, course-integrated instruction, individual assistance at the Information Desk and virtually through chat, and in-depth, one-on-one research consultations tailored to a student's specific needs.

The library collection includes close to 60,000 books, almost 5,000 videos/DVD's, and over 33,000 streaming video titles. In addition, the library web page ( provides access to 105 online research databases, 5,300 e-books, and approximately, 78,000+ full text journals, newspapers, and magazines. The site also guides students through the research process and helps them prepare bibliographies, evaluate information sources, and avoid plagiarism. The library web page serves as a portal to many library services, including the online library catalog, electronic reserves, online interlibrary loan requests, research assistance via e-mail, and online study room reservations.

The Kaplan Family Library and Learning Center supports student learning by providing a technology-rich learning environment, as well as traditional research resources and services, within a comfortable space specifically tailored to the needs of today's students. There are more than 70 internet workstations located throughout the library, as well as three high-volume, high-speed printers/copiers.

The Curriculum Materials Center (CMC) is located on the first floor of the library. It provides print, electronic, and media resources to support the curriculum and instructional activities of the MSMC education program. The emphasis of the CMC is on practical materials that can be used for curriculum planning, lesson preparation and teaching, and pupil assessment. The collection of over 9,000 items includes books for children and young adults, textbooks, educational games, models, mathematics and science manipulatives, assessment tools, and New York State curriculum guides. Computer workstations in the CMC permit students to do research as well as use specialized educational software.

The library also offers a Snacks ‘n’ Stacks area, located just outside the DC Café, where students may help themselves to snacks, ready to-eat food, and beverages. This project, which was awarded a Strategic Initiative Grant with Campus Ministry, is supported by donations from Mount faculty, students and staff, as well as the local community.

Kaplan Library is open until 8:00 p.m. five nights/week when classes are in session and until 10:00 midnight during exam periods. The south wing of the library (including the computer lab, café seating, and other seating areas) is open to all students 24 hours a day. The complete schedule of hours can be found on the library web page. The library can also be reached by phone at 845-569-3600.

A valid MSMC ID card is required to borrow books and other items. In order to be responsive to student needs, the library has extended our loan periods and removed overdue fines on most library items. However, fines are still charged for a select group of overdue and lost materials, including reserve items and interlibrary loan items. Theft of or damage to library materials may result in disciplinary action. Students are expected to comply with all library policies in order to retain library borrowing privileges