Institutional Awards

Scholarship Criteria

MSMC scholarships are awarded to first-time freshmen, are competitive, and may be applied to undergraduate tuition only. Consideration for these awards is based on high school GPA. To be considered for one of these awards, a student must be accepted for full-time enrollment in the traditional undergraduate program at Mount Saint Mary College. Scholarships must be awarded prior to the first day of classes; no changes will be made to scholarships after this point. Students who are not filing a FAFSA must email to notify our office of this intention so that we can waive the FAFSA and apply your funds. Mount Saint Mary College does not award athletic grants of any kind.

MSMC Dominican Heritage, Achievement, Dean's, Founders, Distinguished Scholar scholarships and Presidential Scholarships

These scholarships are academic awards awarded by the Admissions Office. Scholarships are renewable for three years provided the student remains a full-time student, has registered for a minimum of 12 traditional credits each semester, maintains a 2.0 cumulative Grade Point Average; and remains in good social standing. GPA will be checked for the 2.0 threshold after four academic semesters as well as the end of each spring semester thereafter.

Transfer Scholarships

Mount Saint Mary College recognizes the achievements of students who have already demonstrated success at another college and who wish to continue their education here at the Mount. Full-time, traditional transfer students are automatically considered for merit awards upon application. These scholarships are academic merit awards awarded by the Admissions Office. Scholarships are renewable provided the student remains a full-time student, has registered for a minimum of 12 traditional credits each semester, maintains a 2.0 cumulative Grade Point Average; and remains in good social standing.