This course will teach students the significance of thinking like an entrepreneur in the Entertainment Industry, whether it is music, film, or sports, while simultaneously focusing on the dynamic of the relationships between key players and the importance of the protection of intellectual property. Covering many legal and business aspects of the rapidly growing global entertainment industry, students will leave this course better equipped to navigate through the entertainment business by having a good understanding of various fundamental concepts necessary to excel in this field whether they choose to be DIY, signed by a label, independent, or signed by a film company. By heavily focusing intellectual property, students will learn the importance of copyright, specifically protecting a work or works, how to conduct registration for copyright, and how copyright has a significant impact on how royalties are divided in the recording industry. A breakdown of the intricacies of music publishing, royalties, performance rights organizations, building a team, and various contracts will be discussed. A breakdown of the film world, royalties, and agreements will also be discussed. There will also be a brief discussion on sports and how that also plays a role in the Entertainment Industry. Additionally, there will be an emphasis on the modern change in structure of the Entertainment industry from its traditional ways and how the use of streaming has shaped the industry drastically and swiftly with the huge switch from physical to digital. While theory will be taught, there will also be practical and hands-on aspects to this course.




LAW 2050, or its equivalent, or receive permission of the Instructor or the Chair