Initial Process

Grievances and Appeals must be filed by no later than the end of the next regular semester following the semester in which the alleged infraction occurred, unless otherwise allowed by legal statute (such as Titles VI & IX) or is limited by other employment-related policies and procedures as outlined elsewhere in the Faculty or Employee Handbooks.

The Professional Standards Committee hears complaints against faculty and/or administrative officers in cases over which it has original jurisdiction after attempts to resolve problems informally and through ordinary administrative channels have failed. If feasible, those lodging a complaint should first attempt to resolve their complaint by meeting with the individual against whom the complaint is lodged. Should such attempts fail or should a one-on-one approach not be considered desirable, the individual lodging the complaint should address the issue to the Vice President for Academic Affairs (VPAA). The VPAA shall attempt to mediate the dispute so that all parties reach a mutually acceptable resolution.

If the mediation by the VPAA leads to a successful resolution of the issue, the VPAA will prepare a statement of the substance of the complaints, corrective action to be taken by the person against whom the complaint was lodged, if any, and a time frame for implementing the corrective action. That document shall be reviewed and modified by all parties until it represents a fair statement of the issue and any resolution agreed to. All parties to the dispute will then sign the document. That document shall be kept for five years by the VPAA in the appropriate Grievance File, with copies also given to the parties to the dispute.

If the mediation by the VPAA leads to no successful resolution of the issue, the individual(s) lodging the complaint may address their issue to the Professional Standards Committee for resolution. If the mediation by the VPAA has led to a successful resolution, but the individual against whom the complaint was lodged then fails to meet the terms of the corrective action in the time frame stipulated, the VPAA will submit the issue to the Professional Standards Committee for resolution.

If the mediation by the VPAA leads to no successful resolution of the issue and the allegations involve one or more of the criteria stipulated in the Dismissal for Cause section, the VPAA may become the complainant and then address the issue to the Professional Standards Committee for resolution. If for any reason the VPAA decides not to seek an Inquiry by the Professional Standards Committee, the original complainant or respondent may address the issue to the Professional Standards Committee for resolution.