Tuition and Fees


Traditional Undergraduates and Transfer Students

Tuition Cost
Flat rate between 12 and17credits
(Note: Full-time is 12 or more credits)
$17,391 per semester
$34,782 annually
Less than 12 credits, or greater than17credits
(Note: Part-time is less than 12 credits)
$1,160 per credit
Study Abroad $772 per credit
Summer Courses (matriculated students) $772 per credit
Fees Cost
GeneralFee6(traditional full-time students) $675 per semester
General Fee6(traditional part-time students) $100 per semester
New Student Fee (any first-time Mount students) $279 one-time fee
Return Check Fee $25
Late Payment Fee $200
Education-Taskstream Fee1 $65 annually
Nursing Clinical Fee2 $100 per applicable course
Nursing Exam Fee3 $65
Nursing Simulation Lab Fee4 $45
Nursing NCLEX Prep Course Fee5 $325
Room and Board - Undergraduate Cost
Regular Room $5,066 per semester
Single Room $5,658 per semester
Board (Meal Plans) $2,800 - $3,300 per semester depending on plan
Laundry Fee $43 per semester
Early Move In Fee $50 per day

Triple Room Discount Policy: Any first-year student occupying a triple room by October 1, and not offered the option to relocate to a double room, will have a $500 semester discount applied to room fees for that term. Students offered the option to relocate to a double room prior to October 1, but decline, will not be eligible for such a discount.

Non-Traditional Undergraduate Students

Tuition Cost
Degree Completion7 $772 per credit
West Point/Stewart Location: Reduced Rate & Online Course8 $250 per credit
Military on MSMC Campus Reduced Rate in Class8 $604 per credit
Fees Cost
General Fee6(all non-traditional students) $100 per semester
Return Check Fee $25
Late Payment Fee $200
Education-Taskstream Fee1 $65 annually
Nursing Clinical Fee2 $100 per applicable course
Nursing Exam Fee3 $65
Nursing Simulation Lab Fee4 $45
Nursing NCLEX Prep Course Fee5 $325
1Education-Taskstream Fees are applicable to education majors each fall semester, over a period of four academic years (freshman through senior).


2Nursing Clinical Fees total $500, and are applicable in $100 increments when nursing students attend five of the following core courses:

3Nursing Exam Fee applicable when nursing students attend NUR-2044 and NUR-3051

4Nursing Simulation Lab Fee applicable when nursing students attend NUR-2044, NUR-3013, NUR-3051.

5Nursing NCLEX Prep Course Fee applicable when nursing students attend NUR-4060. (Previously $400, reduced to $325 as of the Spring 2020 term.)

6General Fee supports non-instructional student services including registration, record keeping, health services, insurance*, and student activities. (*Insurance Plan for 24/7 coverage of a loss resulting due to accidental bodily injuries sustained during the policy period.)

7Degree Completion evening programs of study include: Accounting, Business Management & Administration, Human Services, Interdisciplinary Studies, and Interdisciplinary Studies toward Childhood Education, Nursing, and Psychology.

8Military students may qualify to receive reduced rate tuition if the following eligibility requirements are met:

  • Accepted into the Degree Completion or Graduate Program
  • Not currently the recipient of reduced rate tuition
  • Provide documentation of current or previous military service
    • (e.g. service orders, DD214, letter of employment on branch/employer's letterhead, etc.)
  • Active duty military personnel including Air National Guard at Stewart
  • Dependents of active duty military personnel
  • Department of Defense employees
  • Veterans

5-Year Program Majors attending both graduate and undergraduate courses (within the same academic term) receive per credit tuition billing at the respective graduate and undergraduate rates. 5-Year students (excluding 5-Year Accounting Majors) have to option to receive the alumni discount for graduate courses or institutional aid in the fall and spring terms of their 5th year, if attending full-time.

Mount Alumni: Students who earned a bachelor's or master's degree from the Mount (with the exception of 5-year bachelor's/master's degree scholarship students) may receive a 25% reduction to graduate tuition! Come back to the Mount for a graduate degree, save money, and improve your range of possibilities in a competitive job market.

Tuition and fees are accurate as of the most recent update in February 2021.



Tuition Rates for 5 year BA/MSE students

Students enrolled in 5-Year Master and Bachelors programs, attending both graduate and undergraduate courses (within the same academic term), receive per credit tuition billing at the respective graduate and undergraduate rates. (Effective 2016) The graduate tuition rate for the 2019-2020 academic year is $844 per credit.

Payment of Tuition and Fees

Tuition and fees are due one-week before the semester or session begins. Checks should be made payable to Mount Saint Mary College. Visa Discover, AMEX, and MasterCard are accepted. Credit card and e-check/ACH payments may be made online through the Student Portal.

Students who prefer to pay tuition and expenses on a monthly basis may enroll in the monthly payment plan each fall and spring semester. For more information, contact the Student Financial Services Office (845-569-3700) or visit

Account balances not satisfied by the due date are subject to a late payment fee. Students may not register for classes or receive their diploma/official transcript, with an outstanding balance. Past due accounts are subject to all collection and/or legal fees, which may be as high as 50% of the outstanding balance.

Books and supplies are available for purchase at the Campus Store. The estimated expenses per year for books and supplies is $1,000; estimated expenses per year for personal costs (spending money, laundry and incidental needs) is $1,000; estimated costs per year for commuter transportation is $1,500. Students planning to live off-campus should allow approximately $5,400 per year for rental and $1,800 per year for food.

Housing Deposits

Students in residence at the college may renew their room reservations annually, before February 28, by making a deposit of $300.

Deposits are non-refundable, However, they appear on the current billing statement to offset the cost of room and board charges.

Newly admitted students are encouraged to make their deposits before April 15 (or within a month of acceptance) if the acceptance date is after April 15. Deposits are refundable if the Director of Admissions receives notice of non-attendance on or prior to May 1.

Triple Room Discount Policy (effective July 1, 2016)

Any first-year student occupying a triple room by October 1, and not offered the option to relocate to a double room, will have a $500 semester discount applied to room fees for that term. Students offered the option to relocate to a double room prior to October 1, but decline, will not be eligible for such a discount.

Dorm Damage Deposit (effective Fall 2016)

A portion of a first-time resident student’s housing deposit ($100) is withheld to offset any dorm damage charges. This deposit ensures adherence to the terms and conditions of the housing agreement, and return of the unit to its original condition when the student exits the space.

The deposit is not a damage fund where intermittent damage charge deductions occur during the course of the student's residency; however, any damage charges incurred during the final year of residency are deducted from the deposit, with any remaining credit refunded to the student.

Refund of Tuition and Fees

All refunds of tuition, fees, room and board are subject to the conditions below.

Withdrawal from the College

A student withdrawing from the Mount must provide written notice to the Registrar. The Office of the Registrar records the official withdrawal date to the student’s record.


Refunds for Traditional Students Withdrawing from MSMC

Withdrawal Date

Institutional Charge* Refund Calculation

Before/During Week 1 of Class

100% Refund

During Week 2 of Class

60% Refund

During Week 3 of Class

30% Refund

After Week 3 of Class

No Refund

*Institutional charges include any tuition, fees, room and board. Resident students, exiting college housing, receive a prorated room/board credit in conjunction with their tuition/fee refund. Students may not receive a room/board refund after the third week of class.

Dropped Courses

Dropping a course is the student’s responsibility. The student must drop the course by emailing the Office of the Registrar or online through the MSMC student portal. A student who fails to attend a course before the add/drop period ends may receive a withdrawal (W) at the professor’s discretion.


Refunds for Traditional Students Dropping a Fall/Spring Course:

Drop Date

Tuition Refund Calculation

Before/During Week 1 of Class

100% Refund

During Week 2 of Class

60% Refund

During Week 3 of Class

30% Refund

After Week 3 of Class

No Refund

Refunds for Non-Traditional (Accelerated/Evening) Students Dropping a Fall/Spring Course:

Drop Date

Tuition Refund Calculation

Before/During Week 1 Class

100% Refund

During Week 2 of Class

50% Refund

After Week 2 of Class

No Refund

Note: Accelerated/evening courses, running 12 or more weeks, follow the traditional refund schedule.

Refunds for All Students Dropping a Summer Course:

Courses of 5-Weeks or Less (Summer I and Summer II)

Drop Date

Tuition Refund Calculation

Before/During Days 1-3 of Class

100% Refund

During Days 4-5 of Class

50% Refund

After Day 5 of Class

No Refund

Courses of 6-Weeks or More (Accel A, Hybrid 44 (Z), Accel B)

Drop Date

Tuition Refund Calculation

Before/During Week 1 of Class

100% Refund

During Week 2 of Class

50% Refund

After Week 2 of Class

No Refund

Refunds for All Students Dropping a January Interim Course:

Drop Date

Tuition Refund Calculation

Before/During Days 1-2 of Class

100% Refund

During Days 3-4 of Class

50% Refund

After Day 4 of Class

No Refund

Note: Accelerated/Evening classes that run 12 or more weeks follow the traditional refund schedule.

Whether entirely withdrawing from the college or dropping an individual course(s), the student must provide written notice to the Registrar. The date of the withdrawal is determined by the date the request if received in the Registrar’s Office. Percentage refund dates are available in the Academic Calendar.

Any traditional student dropping below 12-credits (full-time status) risks losing full-time financial aid (institutional awards/grants/scholarships).

Students residing on campus must attend full-time. Traditional resident students enrolled in less than 12-credits must receive permission from Residence Life to remain in housing. The date a student completes the dorm checkout process determines the housing exit date. This includes returning room and mailbox keys to the Office of Residence Life.