College Leadership and Faculty

Board of Trustees

Our Board of Trustees serves as the college’s governing body and provides input on our strategic vision, are ambassadors for the college, and help secure additional resources for college initiatives.  The Board also approves the annual budget and serves as the fiduciary body for the Mount’s growing endowment.

Michael Horodyski, Chair

Anthony Liotti, Vice Chair

Philip DeAngelo

Charles Frank

Christofer Guarino

Kekuut Hoomkwap

Jeanne M. Hosinski, M.D.

Sr. Constance Kelly, O.P. ‘95

Sr. Constance Koch, O.P. ‘71

Jake Kosack ‘18

Very Rev. John A. Langlois, O.P.

Sr. Patricia Magee, O.P. ‘88

Stephen McCarthy

Sr. Catherine McDonnell, O.P. ‘69

Ann Marie Murray, Ph.D. ‘70

Liam O’Brien, Esq.

Jeremy Smith ‘06

Sr. Maureen Sullivan, O.P., Ph.D. ‘72

Sr. Madeleine Tacy, O.P.

Trustees Emerita/Emeritus

Sr. Joann Boneski, OP ‘65

George F. Stradar, Jr., Esq.

Sr. Mary Rita Sweeney, OP ’59

President’s Cabinet

Arthur Glass, MBA, CPA, Vice President for Finance and Administration

Elaine O’Grady, Vice President for Students

George Abaunza, Vice President for Academic Affairs

Nikki Khurana-Baugh, Vice President for Advancement

Susana Briscoe-Alba, Dean of Admissions & Financial Aid

Ryan Williams, Assistant Vice-President of Institutional Research

Dean DiMarzo, Assistant Vice President of Marketing & Communications

Office of Academic Affairs

George Abaunza, PhD – Vice President for Academic Affairs

Tiffany Gagliano, JD – Dean of the School of Business

Susan LaRocco, PhD – Dean of the School of Nursing

David Gallagher, PhD – Chair, Division of Education

Lee Fothergill, EdD – Chair, Division of Mathematics and Information Technology

Kristen Dellasala, MA – Director of Online Education

Gina Evers, MFA – Director of the Writing Center

Rebecca Norman, EdD – Graduate Program Coordinator of Education

Janet Petroski, PhD – Chair, Division of Natural Sciences

Akm Hossain, PhD – Chair, School of Business

Ellen Nolan - Director of the Career Center

Barbara Petruzzelli, MLS – Director of the Library

Sarah Uzelac, PhD – Chair, Division of Social Sciences

Christine Berté, EdD, MSN, Director of Graduate Nursing Programs, School of Nursing Chair

Peter Witkowsky, PhD – Chair, Division of Arts and Letters

Orin Strauchler, PsyD - Assistant Dean of Student Support Services

Michael Fox, PhD – Graduate Program Coordinator of Business

Jannelle Haug, MBA – Registrar

Ryan Williams, MBA – Assistant VP of Institutional Research and Chief Data Officer

Robert Miller, PhD - Chair, Division of Philosophy and Religious Studies

Charles Zola, PhD – Director of Catholic and Dominican Institute and Assistant to the President for Mission Integration

Shirley Adams, MBA - Executive Assistant

Office of College Advancement 

Nikki-Khurana-Baugh – Vice President for College Advancement

Kathleen Barton, MBA – Director of Advancement Events

Margaret Treacy  – Director of Annual Giving

Michelle Iacuessa, MA – Director of Alumni Engagement

Alena Kush – Director of Parent Engagement

Office of Admissions

Susana Briscoe-Alba – Dean of Admissions

Eileen Bardney – Director of Admissions

Office of Marketing and Communication

Dean DiMarzo, MBA – Assistant Vice President of Marketing and Communications

Matthew Frey – Director of Media Relations

Office of Facilities and Operations 

Maryann Pilon, BA – Executive Director of Facilities & Liaison for Strategic Space Planning

Rich Algarin - Director of Security and Safety

Matthew Byrne - Executive Director of Risk Management & Title IX Coordinator

Office of Finance and Administration

Arthur Glass II, MBA, CPA – Vice President for Finance and Administration

Nancy Mazza, MBA – Controller

Brian Moore, AAS – Purchasing Manager

Dennis Rush, BS – Chief Information Officer

Thalia McFarlane, MBA – Director of Financial Aid

Sharnie Canary, SHRM-CP – Director of Human Resources

Office of the President 

Jason N. Adsit, PhD –President

Barbara Connolly, Executive Assistant to the President

Office of Student Affairs

Elaine O’Grady, MBA – Vice President for Students

Father Gregoire Fluet – Chaplain, Director of Campus Ministry

Doreen Bischof, BSN, RN, NCSN – Director of Health Services

Barbara Mulligan, MA – Director of Student Activities

Amy Weit – Director of Residence Life

Jessica Mushel, MSEd – Director of Athletics, Recreation and Physical Education

Committees of the Faculty

Academic Standards Committee

Academic Technology Advancement Committee

Admissions Committee

Committee on Committees

Curriculum Committee

Faculty Affairs Committee

Faculty Appeals Board

Faculty Senate

General Education Committee

Institutional Review Board

Judicial Appeals Board

Library Committee

Promotion and Tenure Committee

Research on Campus Committee

Strategic Planning and Budgeting Committee