Course Substitutions

Students are expected to complete all requirements of their individual degree programs. New York State has requirements regarding the minimum number of total credits and minimum number of liberal arts credits required for graduation. Students are expected to complete all degree requirements along with the required number of credits for their degree program. Only under exceptional circumstances may a course substitution be considered for certain degree requirements. Substitution requests must follow the specific approval process for the type of course substitution being requested. Only a course of equal or greater value may be considered for a substitution (i.e., only a 2000 level course or above may be used to substitute for another 2000 level course). If approved, the course substitution will appear on the academic transcript with a grade of "S" with no additional credits granted.

  1. Core Requirements (General Education requirements): The student must complete a Course Substitution Requirement form, available in the Office of the Registrar, and provide a written justification for the proposed substitution. The completed form is forwarded to both the student's academic advisor and to the chairperson of the academic division responsible for the course. Both faculty members must support the request. It is then forwarded to the chair of the Academic Standards Committee for review and a final decision by the committee. The results of the committee's action are forwarded to the student and to the Office of the Registrar for appropriate action.
  2. Major Requirements: The student must complete the Course Substitution Requirement form, available in the Office of the Registrar, and provide a written justification for the proposed substitution. The academic advisor must support the request.
  1. For course substitutions that involve a course in a disciplinary area overseen by the chariperson of the division offering the major, the chairperson of the division responsible for the course reviews the request and renders a final decision.
  2. For course substitutions that involve a course in a disciplinary area overseen by a chairperson in a division other than the one offering the major, the chairperson of the division offering the major, in consultation with the chairperson of the division overseeing the course, shall determine whether the substitution meets the objectives of the required course. The chairperson of the division offering the major shall document the consultation and render a final decision.