Matriculation and Time Limits

Students who have been admitted to a graduate program (MBA, MSEd, MSN) are awarded matriculation status and will be assessed a matriculation fee upon admission.

Students maintain a matriculated status by completing at least 6 credits per calendar year (September–August). Students are not required to register for consecutive terms. A student requiring a leave of absence from the program must apply to the appropriate Graduate Program Coordinator for an official leave of absence and specify the expected term of return. Students who break their matriculation for more than one calendar year from the date of departure and who present themselves for re-matriculation must comply with the degree requirements in place at the time of re-entry.

Students failing to qualify for, or maintain matriculation status, will be dropped from the program unless special permission to continue is obtained from the Graduate Program Coordinator.

Master's degrees must be completed within six calendar years from the date of matriculation for MBA and MSN students; students in the MSEd program must complete requirements in five calendar years from the date of matriculation. An extension of time may be granted for exceptional reasons when a written proposal has been submitted by the student and accepted by the Graduate Program Coordinator.